
Reporting Items for Practice Guidelines in Healthcare

Right Reporting for Right Decisions


RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist

RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist
7 sections, 27 topics and 34 Items Assessment Page(s) Note(s)
Section/topic No./Item
Basic information
1 Identify the report as an adaptation of practice guideline(s), that is include “guideline adaptation”, “adapting”, “adapted guideline/recommendation(s)”, or similar terminology in the title/subtitle.
2 Describe the topic/focus/scope of the adapted guideline.
Cover/first page
3 Report the respective dates of publication and the literature search of the adapted guideline.
4 Describe the developer and country/region of the adapted guideline.
Executive summary/abstract
5 Provide a summary of the recommendations contained in the adapted guideline.
Abbreviations and acronyms
6 Define key terms and provide a list of abbreviations and acronyms (if applicable).
Contact information of the guideline adaptation group
7 Report the contact information of the developer of the adapted guideline.
Source guideline(s)
8 Report the name and year of publication of the source guideline(s), provide the citation(s), and whether source authors were contacted.
Brief description of the health problem(s)
9 Provide the basic epidemiological information about the problem (including the associated burden), health systems relevant issues, and note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s).
Aim(s) and specific objectives
10 Describe the aim(s) of the adapted guideline and specific objectives, and note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s).
Target population(s)
11 Describe the target population(s) and subgroup(s) (if applicable) to which the recommendation(s) is addressed in the adapted guideline, and note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s).
End-users and settings
12 Describe the intended target users of the adapted guideline, and note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s).
13 Describe the setting(s) for which the adapted guideline is intended, and note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s).
Rigour of development
Guideline adaptation group
14 List all contributors to the guideline adaptation process and describe their selection process and responsibilities.
Adaptation framework/methodology
15 Report which framework or methodology was used in the guideline adaptation process.
Source guideline(s)
16 Describe how the specific source guideline(s) was(were) selected.
Key questions
17 State the key questions of the adapted guideline using a structured format, such as PICO (population, intervention, comparator, and outcome), or another format as appropriate.
18 Describe how the key questions were developed/modified, and/or prioritized.
Source recommendation(s)
19 Describe how the recommendation(s) from the source guideline(s) was(were) assessed with respect to the evidence considered for the different criteria, the judgements and considerations made by the original panel.
Evidence synthesis
20 Indicate whether the adapted recommendation(s) is/are based on existing evidence from the source guideline(s), and/or additional evidence.
21 If new research evidence was used, describe how it was identified and assessed.
Assessment of the certainty of the body of evidence and strength of recommendation
22 Describe the approach used to assess the certainty/quality of the body/ies of evidence and the strength of recommendations in the adapted guideline and note any differences (if applicable) compared to the source guideline(s).
Decision-making processes
23 Describe the processes used by the guideline adaptation group to make decisions, particularly the formulation of recommendations.
24 Report recommendations and indicate whether they were adapted, adopted, or de novo.
25 Indicate the direction and strength of the recommendations and the certainty/quality of the supporting evidence and note any differences compared to the source recommendations(s) (if applicable).
26 Present separate recommendations for important subgroups if the evidence suggests important differences in factors influencing recommendations and note any differences compared to the source recommendations(s) (If applicable).
Rationale/ explanation for recommendations
27 Describe the criteria/factors that were considered to formulate the recommendations or note any relevant differences compared to the source guideline(s) (if applicable).
External review and quality assurance
External review
28 Indicate whether the adapted guideline underwent an independent external review. If yes, describe the process.
Organizational approval
29 Indicate whether the adapted guideline obtained organizational approval. If yes, describe the process.
Funding, declaration and management of interest
Funding source(s) and funder role(s)
30 Report all sources of funding for the adapted guideline and source guideline(s), and the role of the funders.
Declaration and management of interests
31 Report all conflicts of interest of the adapted and the source guideline(s) panels, and how they were evaluated and managed.
Other information
32 Describe the potential barriers and strategies for implementing the recommendations (if applicable).
33 Briefly describe the strategy for updating the adapted guideline (if applicable).
Limitations and suggestions for further research
34 Describe the challenges of the adaptation process, the limitations of the evidence, and provide suggestions for future research.
Song Y, Alonso-Coello P, Ballesteros M, et al. A Reporting Tool for Adapted Guidelines in Health Care: The RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2022, 175(5):710-719. https://doi.org/10.7326/M21-4352
Official Website: http://www.right-statement.org/